
Ninety-nine red balloons, floating in the summer sky

It was all started on 30th am. Initial plan was to surprise him by delivering those balloons and voucher at his office but then I was having a second thought. So in two shakes of a lamb's tail, I called RedRibbons to rearrange everything and ask them to send over the voucher to me. About 11-ish, I received the gift and the girls kat office dah excited why the hell I received balloons kan? then and I was like..chillax girls..not for me lah, for my hubby..

dunno why suddenly my workstation macam messy je? ;p

then kelam kabut running errands balik rumah nak beli cake but turned up that cake tak ade stock (what the fish takde stok?!) then sampai rumah, lari macam lembu to hide the balloons and voucher. Ok actually in between,  I stopped at his office asking for kunci rumah (dammit camane boleh tertinggal kunci in car kan?!) then spontaneously I gave a bullshit reason which I didn't know where it came from  - thumbdrive left in make-up bag, so by hook or by crook kena gak balik ambil. His face was like..apekejadahnye thumdrive dalam make-up bag? "oh baby what the hell" macam avril nyanyi tu.

Then I managed to get a cake from a nearby store and the rest is history. Long story short, that night, we both felt asleep around 9..then I terjaga around 11.30 (pandai plak bajet tido just nice bangun before 12)..so about 12am...woke him up and surprise surprise!!






ok ok  takde lah sampai keluar pakai 2-piece bling bling  from the cake and muka macam drag queen tu,.

tapi it was something more like this..

The voucher

Inside the envelope 

hope you'll enjoy being Mr. pilot for a day

Happy birthday honey! Wishing you a blast year ahead, semoga bertambah murah rezeki and love you always. xoxo. and sorry for sharing your baru-bangun-tido photo ;p!

That's all from me, a simple birthday surprise, no party buih mabuk2 except me, the cake and the red balloons.

photos here and googled.


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