
Snacking @Papparich

I know I'm a bad blogger..Nothing new for the past few days or weeks? Btw, on a short note, we went to Papparich, The Garden last few weeks and I did snap some photos to share. Nothing fancy though (lagipun gambar makan kan, nak fancy camna plak ye). Well, the environment there was ok, quite clean..Recommended to go for lepak2, cuci mate, gossiping, etc..Paparich is a typical and standard kopitiam, got all sort of breads, noodles, coffee, etc etc.. also got steam bread meh..foods are mostly chinese style. Worth to check it out.

Here what we had:


Roti bakar and Curry Chicken


Roti bakar and Curry Chicken closed up (see the hangit tahi ayam part)


We asked for toast bread with milk + butter..they gave us this?
Something like "you need to spread the tiny little butter by urself, sir.."


Pappamocha and Ice-Choc (i think?).

Apart from the mengamuk-rasa-nak-terbalik-meja ketidakpuasan hati for butter case kat atas tu..both drinks memang uberyummy!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha macam penah aku dengar statement ngamok nak terbalik meja...nape la ganas sgt sejak utp kan. adei


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