
Fend Ikan Bakar

If you are passing by Kelana Jaya or craving for a reasonable and affordable ikan bakar meal, Fend Ikan Bakar is the place to be. With the name like that you would know it serves mainly fish, fish and more fish (i.e ikan siakap, keli, talapia, pari and kembung) and some other seafoods like prawn & squid, etc. Most of the customers preferred the set plate - rice, a fish and sambal + curry sauce that cost around RM 6- RM 7 top. Went there last Sunday and we had the set plate & tembikai and also kelapa laut mixed-fruit-cocktail. Overall food was OK, met expectation and worth the money. But the sambal served was a bit tawar tasteless and not as hot/spicy as expected. Prfff!



Anyway, our drink and fruit cocktail were served fresh too. They also served cendol, ABCs, and other ordinary drinks like sirap limau, teh ais, etc etc..go figure.





Restoran Fend Ikan Bakar
Jalan SS6/20A, Dataran Glomac,
Kelana Jaya
Located behind the Giant Hypermarket


Environment - 3/5, Quite hot during the day as its open-air concept, cleanliness so-so.

Services - 4/5, Fast serving, within 5 minutes

DeliciousMeter - 3.5/5, Some fish were slightly overcooked, advisable to choose for your own.


Drop by if you are nearby or craving for bakar2 stuff with reasonable price. Best time to go - lunch/dinner. 100% halal.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this is nearby my house! abang Fendi dulu neighbour kami, hihih


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