
That it is He who Granteth Death and Life (Al-Najm: 44)

There is no way we can cheat death. Believing it would be an epic failure and theres no such thing as cheating death as seen in the Hollywood movies. When the time comes, we can run, we can hide but we just can't escape it.

"Apabila sampai ajal maut seseorang itu ia tidak dapat ditunda atau dipercepat, walau sesaat pun."(Surah al-A'raf : 34)

"Dan tiada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui (dengan pasti) apa yang akan diusahakannya besok. Dan tiada seorang pun yang dapat mengetahui di bumi mana ia akan mati. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal," (Surah Luqman : 34).

Never in million years I knew the last meeting with him was actually the LAST one.

I will always remember you, tokwe..May Allah rest your soul in peace. 


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